Legal maternity DNA tests can be used in a variety of legal situations, such as child support disputes, custody battles, or to confirm a surrogate is not the biological mother. They are performed with a simple cheek swab, and the results of the test will be compared to the DNA of the child in question in order to determine maternity. In most cases, legal maternity tests are ordered by a judge in order to establish parentage for child support or custody purposes. If you are considering taking a legal maternity test, you should speak with an attorney to discuss your legal options. Then, contact us to start the ordering process.
Legal maternity DNA tests can be performed using samples collected from the mother, child, and alleged father. The accuracy of the results will be greater than 99.9%. If you require a legal maternity DNA test, please contact us to learn more about how we can help you.
We Make DNA Testing Simple
Quick & Easy Sample Collection
DNA samples consist of a simple cheek swab completed at an authorized sample location.
Convenient Process
We book sample collection appointments for you at any of our 300 authorized sample collection locations across Canada.
The test results and reports provided can be used in family court or other legal proceedings.
Legal DNA Testing in 5 Straightforward Steps
Trusted Results from Mériuex NutriSciences
The DNA Lab is a division of Mériuex NutriSciences. All DNA samples sent to The DNA Lab are analyzed by our experienced scientists in our Guelph, Ontario DNA Laboratory.
Our laboratory is SCC-Accredited.
The SCC Accreditation Symbol is an official symbol of Standards Council of Canada, used under license. Choosing an accredited laboratory is the best way for you to ensure that your test results are reliable. Mériuex NutriSciences is the accredited lab of choice for Métis and Indigenous status DNA testing in Canada.
Reasons To Complete a Legal Maternity Test
Legal maternity DNA tests are intended for court use and are accepted as definitive legal proof of maternity or non-maternity in courts throughout Canada. Reasons for requiring a legal maternity DNA test include:
Obtaining Tax and Other Entitled Benefits
A legal maternity DNA test can assist in obtaining all entitled benefits for a child from both parents, including life insurance, health care, social security, and child support.
In terms of Canadian Tax Laws, a legal maternity test is valuable in providing evidence of maternity for an individual not listed on the child’s birth certificate. Once parentage is established, the child can be claimed as a dependent and qualify for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), if the individual is the primary caregiver for the child.
Each province/territory also has a child tax benefit that the parent may be eligible to receive. Visit the Canadian Revenue Agency’s website for more information.
Establish Rights to an Inheritance
When it comes to inheritance, the legalities can be complicated. In order to ensure that you receive what is rightfully yours, a legal DNA test can be extremely helpful. This type of test can help to establish your identity and prove your, or your child’s, relationship to the deceased, both of which are essential in order to claim an inheritance.
A legal DNA test can also help to resolve any disputed claims. If there are multiple people claiming the same inheritance, a DNA test can provide conclusive proof as to who is entitled to receive it.
Obtaining Custody of a Child
Custody battles can be emotionally charged and difficult to navigate. In some cases, one parent may try to claim that the other parent is not the child’s biological parent in order to gain an advantage in the proceedings. A legal maternity DNA test can help to resolve these disputes by providing definitive proof of parentage.
In Canada, these tests are typically conducted by an accredited laboratory, such as The DNA Lab, and must be ordered by a court or government agency. The results of the test can be used to determine custody arrangements. By ordering a legal DNA test, parents can ensure that they are making decisions based on facts, rather than assumptions.
Be Added to the Birth Certificate of a Child
A legal DNA test can help a person get added to the birth certificate of a child in Canada. The test can confirm the identity of the mother, sometimes in cases of adoption, IVF, surrogacy and egg donation. Once maternity is established, the mother can then apply to have their name added to the child’s birth certificate.
A legal maternity DNA test can help to ensure that the child’s birth certificate accurately reflects their parentage. As a result, it can play an important role in ensuring that the child has a complete and accurate record of their family history.