Do you want to know if you are related to the people you think you are?
Whatever your reason for testing, a relationship DNA test is a cost-effective way to get your questions answered. With a simple cheek swab, you can have peace of mind about your family relationships.

Simplified DNA Relationship Tests
Quick & Easy Sample Collection
Simply swab the cheek of each person to collect DNA for testing.
Confidential Process
No ID or witness is required. Pick up the kit in person or have a discreet package delivered.
Cost-Effective Results
Save money and hassle with a home paternity test, if you don’t need legal results.
Home DNA Testing in 4 Easy Steps

Types of Home Relationship DNA Tests

Twins DNA Test
Determine whether twins are identical or fraternal. A few reasons for completing a home twins DNA test include curiosity about being identical or fraternal, or to discover compatibility for organ or bone marrow donation. Identical twins share the same DNA profile. Fraternal twins are reported the same as full siblings would be.

Sibling DNA Test
A sibling DNA test can provide peace of mind to individuals who are unsure about their biological relationship with their alleged siblings. Sibling DNA testing is a test that can be done to confirm the biological relationship between two people who are alleged to be siblings. The test can verify if they are full siblings, half-siblings, or not siblings at all.

Grandparentage DNA Test
Get clarity if you are indeed the grandparents of your grandchild or grandchildren. This test uses samples from the grandmother, grandfather, grandchild and mother to confirm the accuracy of grandparentage. Biological grandchildren have an average of 25% of their DNA from each grandparent.

Aunt & Uncle DNA Test
Also known as ‘avuncular’ testing, aunts and uncles are often tested to verify extended family relationships when the biological parents are deceased or otherwise not available for testing. The results will show the probability of a relationship between the people tested.