Why Some COVID-19 Cases Are Worse than Others

Emerging data, as well as knowledge from the SARS and MERS coronavirus outbreaks, yield some clues as to why SARS-CoV-2 affects some people worse than others. Like many other respiratory...
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Top Reasons to Complete a Curiosity Paternity Test

According to BV Labs friendly customer service representatives, some of the most common reasons individuals request a curiosity test include: Individual(s) want to remain anonymousA parent wants to complete a...
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The Ins and Outs of DNA in just 10 Minutes

DNA is now a part of everyday language, but how much do we really know or understand about it? What does it tells about each of us? Understanding DNA in...
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Grandparent DNA Test: What You Need to Know

Sometimes establishing paternity is not as easy as it sounds. If the possible father is simply not available for testing, a grandparent DNA test can be performed by a DNA...
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Discovering the DNA Double Helix Structure

In the 1950’s, two exceptionally talented scientists, Francis Crick and James Watson, building on the earlier work of their colleague Rosalind Franklin, discovered the DNA double helix:  a structure containing the...
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Can Twins Have Different Dads?

There are less than 10 cases in the world where twins have been found to have different dads. In New Jersey 2015, a DNA test led to a dad only...
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You’ve got your DNA kit: Now what can you do with it?

One of the most common questions we are asked when someone wants a test is: “Are home DNA paternity tests accurate? Many people are concerned that they may not be...
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Are Home DNA Paternity Tests Accurate?

One of the most common questions we are asked when someone wants a test is: “Are home DNA paternity tests accurate? Many people are concerned that they may not be...
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Left-handed DNA found – and it changes brain structure

Scientists have found the first genetic instructions hardwired into human DNA that are linked to being left-handed. The instructions also seem to be heavily involved in the structure and function...
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