The Ins and Outs of DNA in just 10 Minutes

DNA is now a part of everyday language, but how much do we really know or understand about it? What does it tells about each of us? Understanding DNA in...
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DNA Damage Linked to Brain Overgrowth in Autism

Researchers have shown previously that excessive proliferation of the cells of the brain, which can cause microcephaly or large head size, is associated with autism. Now, the authors of a...
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Discovering the DNA Double Helix Structure

In the 1950’s, two exceptionally talented scientists, Francis Crick and James Watson, building on the earlier work of their colleague Rosalind Franklin, discovered the DNA double helix:  a structure containing the...
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Digital DNA Detection

A CRISPR-based electronic sensor flags target DNA sequences at high speed. Searching a sample of DNA for a particular sequence—be it a mutation, a researcher-inserted transgene, or evidence of an...
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Left-handed DNA found – and it changes brain structure

Scientists have found the first genetic instructions hardwired into human DNA that are linked to being left-handed. The instructions also seem to be heavily involved in the structure and function...
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What Is Genetic Modification?

Genetic modification is the process of altering the genetic makeup of an organism. This has been done indirectly for thousands of years by controlled, or selective, breeding of plants and animals. Modern...
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Disabling one protein might one day lead to a cure for the common cold

An uncommon way of thinking may be bringing scientists one step closer to a cure for the common cold. Researchers have identified a key protein in humans that some viruses...
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Air pollution can mess with our DNA

Air pollution can make it hard to breathe. It also can increase someone’s blood pressure and heart rate. Those problems are well known. Now research suggests breathing diesel fumes can...
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CRISPR enters its first human trials

The answer to some genetic diseases may be a powerful “molecular scissors.” Known as CRISPR/Cas9, it has healed genetic diseases in some animals. Soon, doctors may learn how well it works in people. The first human studies to test...
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