DNA Testing News

Read the latest DNA testing news and science.

Full or Half Siblings?

Many people are receiving unexpected sibling matches. Everyday on social media, “surprises” are being reported so often that they are no longer surprising – unless of course you’re the people...
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How Accurate Are Online DNA Tests?

The age of consumer genomics has arrived. Nowadays you can send a vial of your spit in the mail and pay to see how your unique genetic code relates to...
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How DNA testing works

Want to find out more about yourself, your family or even your pet? There’s a DNA test for that. Spit in a tube. Let your dog chew a swab. Or...
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DNA-Family History Activity For Kids

For each person you will need: A printed family tree chartEight circles with a patterned printFour circles of a solid colour A - let’s say Red, but it doesn’t matterTwo...
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The Paternity Reveal

For most of history, one essential, immutable difference between men and women was that men could hide the fact that they had created a child and women could not. Pregnancy...
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How a DNA Testing Kit Revealed a Family Secret Hidden for 54 Years

One evening in the winter of 2016, my husband mentioned that he was sending away for one of those commercial DNA-testing kits. He asked if I wanted him to order...
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DNA from Postage Stamps or Hair Samples? Yeeesssss…..

DNA profiles can now sometimes be extracted from a licked stamp, used razor or hair with the root attached (not just cut hair) and even other items. These kinds of...
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DNA Testing To Identify a Birth Parent

If you have one known parent and one unknown parent, you may be able to use a pretty straightforward process to identify your unknown parent, or at least to learn...
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Breaking Down a Maxxam Forensic Report

A forensic report is the formal release of results for all the testing that has been performed on the items that were submitted in a case. If a case is...
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